I've become a superwoman.

These days I am busier than I've EVER been. My homework load is ginormous. I literally come home and spend, in the best case scenario, a minimum of two hours on homework.

But I don't want homework to be the only thing happening in my life!
Outside of school I do Irish Dancing, Modern Jazz, Guitar, AND Model United Nations. Plus, somewhere between all these activities and homework, I try to fit in some blogging.

"Is she CRAZY?!" are you wondering?
Well maybe I am, just a little. I have way too much going on. But I can't bear to give any of these activities up.
As you can imagine, this creates a lot of stress, which I am learning to master and control.
I am running from one activity to the next, with much less free time on my hands.
By much less, I mean none.
Not a hundred-per-cent healthy, I know, but it's made me feel like a superwoman.

Do you get what I mean?

Always on the go. It's addictive. Sometimes I feel like just sitting down, and seriously do nothing. Nothing requiring concentration or physical movement.
But then I remember I have some serious ass to kick.

So I get back up, my eyes on the stars, but my feet on the ground.
(With milky cups of tea to help along the way)


P.S: Quote is by Teddy Roosevelt.

P.S 2: I love this song so much.


  1. I do get what you mean. You need time to let your mind roam, play, and dream. I'm glad to hear you question the load. Healthy to do. How about doing your blog once a week? Would that lighten it?

    1. Maybe :) but I don't schedule my posts... I just post when I can!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love Taylor swift's music!

    I am soooo busy with everything as well! I literally get assigned between 60-100 pages to read every 2 days for my english class as well as questions to answer with paragraphs!. (that class gives me THE MOST hw ever) I have been not reading everything though because I do not have the time for it between practice and races .

    You do a lot of stuff outside of school so I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you! It's all about balance I guess. I am jealous of you bring able to play guitar hehe . I have always wanted to learn!


    1. Wow, I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much then!
      I am quite proud of my guitar playing indeed B)

  3. *responding to the comment you left on my blog, I feel like I kinda know you too even though we've never met! It's strange, but cool at the same time!
