Be cool, not cruel

I want to tell you about how it is just impossible to find cruelty-free shoes. I have been searching for months. With no luck... until the other day.
I was looking for little black boots that would look cute with skirts, jeans, anything really, and I wanted it to be synthetic material, because I just hate the idea of walking around with the skin of a dead cow on my feet. You can order cruelty-free shoes from the internet, like from for example, but the shoes, with all the extra shipping costs, would cost more than 120 euros. Not happening!
I searched in all the nearby boutiques and stores, and found nothing of what I was looking for. No-one sells synthetic boots, because everybody wants real leather. I find that really dumb. Synthetic leather costs sooooo much less, it looks exactly the same, it is waterproof, AND cruelty-free. So who needs leather?!
Determined, I did not want to give up on my shoe quest. Then, somebody suggested that we try Pinka+, a shop that I had always ignored, because it looked junky from the outside. So I went in, and guess what? They had a large variety of fashionable, affordable, high-quality, synthetic "leather" boots! I then had a hard time choosing which boots I wanted! There were so many! So, the message is, never judge a book by its cover. Or never judge a store by the way its store front looks! ;)

Also, I just finished reading Choker (by Elizabeth Woods), and now I'm not sure what to read. Any suggestions?

Je tiens à vous dire à quel point c'est impossible de trouver des bottes qui ne sont pas en cuir. J'ai cherché pendant des mois, sans chance ... jusqu'à l'autre jour.
Je cherchais des petites bottes noires qui iraient avec des jupes, jeans, en gros tout, et je voulais que ce soit en matière synthétique, parce que je déteste l'idée de me promener avec la peau d'une vache morte à mes pieds. Vous pouvez en commander sur Internet, à par exemple, mais les chaussures, avec tous les coûts supplémentaires d'expédition, coûteraient plus de 120 euros. Pas question! 

J'ai cherché partout, et j'ai rien trouvé. Personne veux vendre des chaussures en faux-cuir, car tout le monde veut acheter du vrai. Je trouve ça bête. Le synthétique coûte tellement moins cher, a le même aspect, c'est imperméable, et, le plus important, pas de cruauté impliquée. Qui a besoin de cuir?!
Déterminée, j'ai continué à chercher, et quelqu'un nous à dit d'aller à Pinka+, une boutique que j'ai toujours évité, car l'extérieur est un peu moche. Alors j'y suis allée, et ils ont une grande variété de jolies bottes, pas chères, de bonne qualité, en en matière synthétique! J'avais même du mal a me décider. Il y en avait tellement! Il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences. ;)

Aussi, je viens de finir un livre, et je ne sais pas quoi lire maintenant. Des suggestions?


  1. Hi Carmen,
    This is a good point....I also hate the idea of wearing a dead cow on my feet or back or aroun my waist etc....(ok, you'll probably flip when I say this) but it is SO HARD to not! Especially if you already own a bunch of things in can't just get rid of them. Plus you think oh my god the poor animal is already dead.....feel free to tell me I am an idiot!

    1. yes, but if you don't buy stuff made of leather, those people will get less money and you are working towards them having to stop using it! But yeah, it's really hard not to wear leather. But there is always an option if you look hard enough :)

  2. Hi, just came over from Lemon Gloria's blog, so awesome that you are advocating for animal rights in France!
