
On other blogs, I have been reading the lists of what people are thankful for. This gave me the idea to make one myself. Here it is:
1) I am thankful for Barack Obama:
I am so, so proud of being American right now. Obama's victory is a great example to the rest of the world.
I identify with Barack Obama because he is bi-cultural, just like me. He is half Kenyan. And I was born in Kenya! (Is this a sign?)
In the way that I am trying to fight for animal rights, Obama has fought for what he believes in -- and he has succeeded! So, in many ways, he is my idol. I want to grow up to be like Obama. He has done so much for what he believes in, and look where he is now! Change IS possible. And I think everybody has a lesson to learn from the current president of the United-States of America.
Olive the cat
2) I am thankful for the little furball nibbling at my toe as I write this. I would like you to meet Olive, in all of her splendor.

3)I am thankful for the fact that I have wonderful friends and family that have been super supportive through the building of my blog. (Thanks again, everyone!)  :D

4) And last but not least, I am thankful for the apartment that we will be moving to in a month, we seriously lucked out! I just can't wait to create a new home, and sort through all the clutter, hopefully getting rid of a ton of stuff... and to start the moving process all over again!

So this is my list. What are YOU thankful for?

Sur d'autres blogs, j'ai lu les listes sur ce dont les gens sont reconnaissants. Cela m'a donné envie d'en faire une. La voici:

1)Je suis reconnaissante envers Barack Obama:
Je suis très, très fière d'être américaine en ce moment. La victoire d'Obama est un bon exemple pour le reste du monde. C'est mon idole en plein de façons. Il est multiculturel, tout comme moi. Il est moitié kenyan, et moi je suis née au Kenya (Est-ce un signe?)! En la manière dont je me bat pour les droits des animaux, il s'est battu pour
 la cause en laquelle il crois . Et il à réussi!
J'aimerais grandir à être comme Obama. Il s'est tellement battu, et regardez où il en est. Le changement est possible. Et je crois que tout le monde à une leçon à apprendre du président des Etats-Unis.

2)Je suis reconnaissante envers la petite boule de poils qui grignote mes orteils lorsque j'écris ceci. Je vous présente Olive, dans toute sa splendeur. (voir la photo au dessus)

3) Je suis reconnaissante envers le fait que j'ai de la famille et des amis formidables qui m'ont beaucoup soutenu lors de la réalisation de mon blog (encore merci à tout le monde!). :D

4) Et enfin, je suis remplie de gratitude pour l'appartement dans lequel on vas déménager dans un mois. On a eu beaucoup de chance! J'ai trop hâte de commencer à faire les cartons, à me débarrasser de plein de choses...

Alors ça, c'était ma liste. Quelle est la votre?


  1. I am grateful that Obama won the US elections, that I have my health, as does my wonderful family. I am also grateful that my sweet puppy Charlie survived getting hit by a car two weeks ago!

    1. Oh my god! I had no idea that happened to Charlie! poor pup! Hope he's alright!

  2. Yeah, I saw pictures of your new house, it's amazing!
    HURRAY FOR OBAMA btw!!!!

  3. Hello Carmen. Thank you for finding my blog. I am thankful for the internet and the opportunities it gives. Thankful for blogs and connecting with other TCKs like you through blogging. I hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do! Have fun and by the way I was born in Africa too, but not in Kenya. I was born in Zambia.

  4. Oh that is a fun coincidence! I agree, blogging really is great :)

  5. Your Olive is so sweet. I am grateful for my pets too! Very grateful for similar things as you - that Obama won, for my friends and family, for the new house we are building.

  6. I love your Thankful blog. It is beautiful. I am thankful for my husband and my wonderful children and grandchildren and my three great sons in law. Love you all Grandma

  7. I am thankfull for you being an awsome friend, olive being such a cuttypoo and Obama winning the elections.
    Ur blog is awsome freack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
